Friday, 21 November 2014

Jingle Bells

It's that time of year again!

This is a new version of Jingle Bell that I wrote (with Stewart's help) for my school's forthcoming carol service. I offer it freely for use in collective acts of worship, nativity plays etc, but not to be published or used for profit. Feel free to copy it to others with this proviso.

Cornerstones in verse 1, is a homeless people's daycentre in Manchester. My school have been collecting various items including toilet rolls! You may want to substitute this line for one of your own. Please let me know if you use it/like it, or pass on any new verses you write.

Far away from home,
In a little bed of hay,
With the ox and donkey,
Nowhere else to stay.
Down at Cornerstones,
The people have no homes,
We will bring them food and clothes,
And some toilet rolls.

Chorus: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jesus came to say, We should love each other more and more each day.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jesus came to say, We should love each other more and more each day.

Then he had to flee,
From Herod's evil plan,
Lets welcome refugees,
And help them when we can.
He held the leper's hand,
He washed disciples' feet,
He told us we should do the same,
For everyone we meet.

As we're having fun,
At this Christmas tide,
Some people sit alone,
Eating a mince pie,
Our smiles will bring them hope,
And brighten up their day,
So share your love this Christmas,
And jingle all the way!

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