Monday, 18 August 2014

The Midwives of Egypt

This is a dialogue based on the Midwives of Egypt from Exodus 1:15-20 in the Bible. (The story is often called "Moses in the bulrushes," but Moses doesn't really do anything here!) I got the idea for this from a reflection "Women's Ministry: Some voices from the Bible" by Jan Such Pickard, published in  Acorns and Archangels (ed. Ruth Burgess, published by Wild Goose Publications)

Shiphrah: I’m Shiphrah

 Puah: And I’m Puah

Shiphrah: Midwives with attitude.

Puah: Wise women.

Shiphrah: We’ve just got a new directive from the pharaoh.

Puah: Kill all the Hebrew baby boys as soon as they are born.

Shiphrah: Who does this man think he is?

Puah: He’s the pharaoh, the ruler of our land.

Shiphrah: Yes but killing babies? That was never our job.

Puah: Wasn’t the mighty pharaoh put on Earth to guide us in the ways of the gods.

Shiphrah: But how can this be God’s work?

Puah: I understand what you’re saying. It just doesn’t seem right. Does it?

Shiphrah: Agreed then? Business as usual?

Puah: But won’t he be suspicious? We’ll be in for it when he finds out.

Shiphrah: Look, men, even pharaohs, don’t really know what goes on. We’ll confuse him with some wise women’s talk.

Puah: Great idea. Look, I read an article in the Daily Pyramid. It said that the Hebrew’s aren’t like Egyptians. It’s like they’re a different species. It’s why it’s OK to make them drag those heavy stones across miles of desert. They don’t feel it like the rest of us.

Shiphrah: How ridiculous. Isn’t it about time you stopped reading that rag?

Puah: No, you misunderstand me. When pharaoh asks why we didn’t kill any Hebrew babies, we claim that the Hebrew women are different.

Shiphrah: Yes, so they don’t feel it like us and they give birth all by themselves, and don’t need to call for a midwife.

Puah: Right, lets go then, there’s work to do.

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