Monday, 26 May 2014

The Ascension of the Cosmic Christ

In the beginning was the word,
And the word was with God,
Was God, 

The eternal cosmic Christ,
The word,

First made matter as the word was spoken,
Giving birth to Stars and planets,
The word was with God,
And through the word all things came into being.

In every star, every leaf, every cloud, every molecule, is the word, the Christ, Holy Wisdom from the very beginning.

In all time, in all places, in all life was the word,
And in one time, in one place, in one life,
A carpenter named Jesus.
In feet that felt the dust of our Earth between his toes,
In a voice that could silence storms,
In hands that touched the diseased.
Word, wisdom, light.

But powers not from word, wisdom and light.
But from coercion, force and greed.
Could not stand the word of God,
Shown in the self giving powerful love of a human life,
And they killed Him.

But love is greater than hate,
And death could not silence the word.

Now he ascends beyond the one form of matter,
Into all matter,
Do not try to look beyond the clouds to see where he has gone,
Because, look, he returns to you,
The Cosmic Christ,
In clouds, stars, planets, trees, gamma particles and oxygen molecules,
Beyond the body of a man,
Into the body of all who make their being with God,

As it was in the beginning,
Now embracing and transcending gender, race, culture, species...
In the in inter-woven web of being,
He is with us always,
In the expanding, evolving wonder of our cosmos.
Her breath in the air that surrounds us,
His sweat and tears in every river, every sea and every raindrop.
Her voice in all who cry out in need,
His body in every piece of bread shared with the hungry.

Once again,
Powers not from word, wisdom and light,
But from coercion, force and greed.
Set out to destroy the word.
In a quest for wealth,
Polluting the air and the seas,
Silencing the voice of the needy,
Refusing to share bread.

The eternal Cosmic Christ,
The word, The wisdom of God
Cries out again for new life,
For resurrection,
The Word refuses to be silenced,
Rising to new life,
Wherever flowers bloom through cracks in a wasteland,
Wherever hope can be found in despair,
Once again love is greater than hate,
Where His disciples cry out for justice,
And if Her disciples keep silent,
The stones of the Earth will shout aloud,
Death cannot silence the word.

Look around, and listen,
Don’t look beyond the clouds,
Christ will return.

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