Saturday 22 November 2014

The Original Star Trek: A Nativity service with The Doctor and other characters from sci-fi

Video (The Universe and our place in it)

Princess Leia (Or other Science fiction character)
At the tiny
Wonder at the vastness of the universe,
And within it,
On the edge of the milky-way galaxy,
Orbiting the sun star,
A beautiful blue green planet,
Teaming with life forms,
Turning, changing, evolving.

When you, children of planet Earth, look to the stars do you wonder?
Why am I here?
How do we make meaning in all this?

You are not alone,
For thousands of years the people of your planet have gazed in wonder at these very same stars. This is their story, and it is also your story.

(Open large important looking book)

Image: The Elders 

In a land of tribal wars. In a time of hardship and conflict, some people saw that there could be a better way. People called them the prophets They looked forward to a new time when things would be different. They told tales of one who was to come. Perhaps a king, or a prince. A great and mighty leader. One who would change things.

Song: Prepare ye the way of the Lord: (Men’s group?)

Image: Lifta 
Imagine now,
An Ancient village in a hot and dusty land,
On the edge of the Roman Empire,
An ordinary place called Nazereth,
Nothing important had happened here.

Image: Mary 
Here there lived an ordinary young woman, Mary, and her husband, Joseph.

(Choose children to be Mary, Joseph and angel Gabriel.)

Song: The angel Gabriel from Heaven came. 187
(Mary and angel to act out the scene.)

Image: Donkey
Wow, an angel. And she was having a baby!
Was Mary’s child to be the one of whom the prophet’s spoke?

Now, orders came from the Romans that Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem, a long and difficult journey. They only had a little donkey.

Song: Little Donkey

When they arrived in Bethlehem, there was nowhere for them to stay.

The Song of the Inkeepers (From Nursery rhyme Nativity)

Image: Stable
The only place they could find was a stable. So it was in that stable, a makeshift shelter for wandering travellers, that Mary’s baby was born.

Child enters carrying baby Jesus.

Who would think that what was needed? 222

Image: Stable
Not a king, or a prince or a military leader. What kind of answer was this to the cries of your planet. A baby in a manger?

Tardis sound effects

Enter The Doctor

Doctor: Knoch Knock
All: Who’s there?
Doctor: Doctor
All: Doctor Who?
Doctor: You just said it!

Princess Leia: Yes, that’s in here too. The oldest joke in the universe!

Doctor: Never mind that! This is vitally important. Something here and now must be of tremendous importance to the whole universe. You see the paths of time and space are pointing to something. However I look at it, it turns out the same. This moment, this place. 1st Century Palestine, the edge of the Roman empire, Bethlehem, an old animal shelter. Hardly seems an important time and place. Maybe my instruments are playing up.

Princess Leia: I’ve just been sharing one of the ancient tales of the Earth people. According to their story this is indeed an important time and place.

Doctor: Is it? (To congregation) Can you tell me what important thing has happened here?

Doctor: Ah…so the hopes and fears of all the years are met here tonight… I think that’s a cue for a song.

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem 213

Image: Bedouin shepherd
Doctor: So if the birth of this child is so important for planet Earth, did anyone notice?
Leia: Some people did. Shall I carry on with the story?
Doctor: Oh yes please. I love stories.
Leia: There were shepherds (invite shepherds to come) on a hillside looking after their sheep. Suddenly the sky was filled with light and the sky was filled with angels.
Doctor: Not the weeping angels? They’re really scary!
Leia: No, the good ones, God’s messengers.
Doctor: Oh good, carry on.
Leia: invite angels) They said to the shepherds, “We bring tidings of great joy, A child is born in Bethlehem. He will bring peace to the whole Earth”

So the shepherds left their sheep and hurried down to Bethlehem.

Nursery rhyme Nativity: Shepherds song

Image: Wall-e 
Leia: And way in the East Altrologers were looking to the skies. (Invite wisemen). They were looking for a sign.

Doctor: Ah, this is where I come in! A great light in the sky moving to show them where to go. That’s a job for me. I can create a great light in the sky with the TARDIS energy beam and lead them to the stable. They’re never going to find it otherwise.

Chris de Berg: A Spaceman came travelling (Film clip)

Image: Star Trek 
Enter Mr. Spock:
Leia: Ah Mr. Spock from the star ship Enterprise. The Doctor said this was a meeting point in time and space. (To Spock) What are you up to these days?
Spock: Oh you know, the usual, exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life and civilisations and boldly going where no-one has gone before.
Leia: Nice. What do you make of this story from planet Earth then?
Spock:  It is illogical. The creator of all becoming a little baby? I find you people of Earth very illogical. Every year you tell this story. You bring a tree into your house and attach shiny things to it. You eat a large bird and give your uncle new slippers. Highly illogical. Perhaps one of these Earth people clan explain it to us.

Images from Glimpses of Glory powerpoint
Earth Person (Mandy?): Reflections on John 1: 14 by David Cornick from Glimpses of Glory.
Children return to their seats during the hymn
Oh Come All ye faithful (During which the offering is taken)

Image: Star 
Earth person: Offering prayer
Loving God,
At the first Christmas you offered yourself to us,
A tiny vulnerable baby.
In the vastness of our universe,
You spoke a gentle word of love.
As we offer these tokens,
We offer now ourselves,
We offer ourselves to the service of our world,
That the light of your love,
May fill our hearts, our homes, our land, our world, and even our universe.

Princess Leia: This journey is not yet over. The people of this world are still searching. Just like the wise men, there are stars to guide your way. Look out for them. Find out what happens next at our Star Trek Epiphany star Trek service and party on 5th January.

Until then let us wish each other well as is our custom:-

Leia: May the Force be with you.
Spock: Live long and prosper

All: (Led by the Earth person) May the grace of our Lord Jesus  Christ, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore, Amen

(Hymn numbers from the Methodist Hymn book, Singing the faith)

Friday 21 November 2014

Jingle Bells

It's that time of year again!

This is a new version of Jingle Bell that I wrote (with Stewart's help) for my school's forthcoming carol service. I offer it freely for use in collective acts of worship, nativity plays etc, but not to be published or used for profit. Feel free to copy it to others with this proviso.

Cornerstones in verse 1, is a homeless people's daycentre in Manchester. My school have been collecting various items including toilet rolls! You may want to substitute this line for one of your own. Please let me know if you use it/like it, or pass on any new verses you write.

Far away from home,
In a little bed of hay,
With the ox and donkey,
Nowhere else to stay.
Down at Cornerstones,
The people have no homes,
We will bring them food and clothes,
And some toilet rolls.

Chorus: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jesus came to say, We should love each other more and more each day.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jesus came to say, We should love each other more and more each day.

Then he had to flee,
From Herod's evil plan,
Lets welcome refugees,
And help them when we can.
He held the leper's hand,
He washed disciples' feet,
He told us we should do the same,
For everyone we meet.

As we're having fun,
At this Christmas tide,
Some people sit alone,
Eating a mince pie,
Our smiles will bring them hope,
And brighten up their day,
So share your love this Christmas,
And jingle all the way!

Frozen Nativity

Opening prayer: (lighting of advent wreath) Loving God, at times of darkness, come and give us light. When our hearts are cold, come and bring us warmth. As we come together once again to share our story, may we hear it once again with joy and hope.

Song: Do you wanna build a snowman (film clip)

Narrator: So Elsa's heart was cold. She wouldn't come out and play. Until one day Anna and Elsa received a letter from their friends, the wise men from the East. They have seen a new star, which means a new king is born. They have invited Anna, Elsa, Sphen and Cristoph to join them... To follow the star and find the baby.

Anna: You can't stay in your room all day. You have to come and visit the new baby king.
Elsa: OK. If you insist. Just don't expect me to be nice!
Anna:  Look at this letter (reading the letter) "Just so we don't bring the same, we are bringing gold, frankincense and myrrh."
Elsa: What ridiculous presents for a baby. And they're supposed to be wise men.  I'm sure we can do better than that.
Anna: A nice warm blanket, a packet of baby porridge and a rattle and a teddy. Four lovely presents for a special baby.
Elsa: Let's tell Sphen and Christoph, we'll get the presents and set off.

Song: Little Reindeer, little reindeer, on the snowy road. (Words as below, tune Little donkey)

Narrator: So they set off, following the star. They had gone just a little way when they came across a  little angel, looking sad. The angel told her story. A little while ago her friend, the angel Gabriel had appeared to a young woman called Mary to tell her that she was to have a special baby called Jesus. (Act our with children) Now the other angels had to gone to make music for the baby but she couldn't go because her musical instrument was broken.

Anna: If you need to make music, perhaps this will do. (Holding out the baby's rattle) We still have three lovely presents for the baby,

Narrator: The angel skipped away happily shaking the rattle.

Song: Hark the herald angels sing. 202

Narrator: As they travelled Elsa started thinking about how happy the little angel would be now she could play for the baby. It was the first time for ages that she had thought about anyone apart from herself. Her heart felt a little bit warmer.

Their journey took them over some hills. By the side of the road was a little shepherd boy, shivering with the cold.

Christoph: Look at that poor boy. Do we have anything that would keep him warm?

Elsa: Only the blanket that we brought for baby Jesus.

Anna: This poor boy needs it more. Here, little boy, have this blanket it would keep you warm.

Narrator: The shepherd boy then told his story. He had been watching sheep on the hills. Suddenly a bright light appeared and angels filled the sky. They told the shepherds that a special baby had been born who would bring peace to the world. He would be found in a stable in Bethlehem. The boy, now feeling warmer wrapped in the blanket, ran off to find his friends. He was so happy!

Song: Happy (despicable me 2) film clip

Narrator: Now Elsa's heart felt warmer. She thought about the angel and the little shepherd boy. As they arrived in the town, they met a girl. She was looking very worried. She told them that she worked at an inn in Bethlehem. There were loads of people there. They had all been on a long journey, and were tired and hungry. But there wasn't enough food to give everyone breakfast.
Elsa, Anna and Christoph: The Baby porridge!

Anna: I'm sure baby Jesus will be happy with just a teddy.

Narrator: So they gave the porridge to the girl. She told her story. Yesterday her inn was full. A man and a woman came to the door. The woman was having a baby. They had nowhere to stay, so she cleaned up the stable and let them stay there.

Elsa: That must be the stable where baby Jesus is born. Can you show us where it is?

See him lying on a bed of straw 216

Narrator: They were almost at the stable, when they came across a boy crying. He explained that he was a long way from home. He was a page boy to the three wise men. But he was lonely and missing his mum, especially at night time.

Elsa: what about the teddy? That might help?

Anna: We can't give him the teddy. It's the only thing left for baby Jesus.

Elsa: Before we set off on this journey, my heart felt cold. I didn't  care about anyone except myself. Every time we helped somebody my heart felt a bit warmer. I know that if this special baby has come into the world to bring peace, he would want us to help this boy too.

Elsa gives the teddy to the boy.

Elsa: There you are, don't be upset. Cuddle this teddy. You'll be home with your mum soon.

children are arranged in a nativity tableau

Song: Away in a manger 191

Anna, Elsa and Christoph:
Although we have no gifts to bring
To give to the new baby king,
We gave away the things we had,
To help those who were poor and sad,
Jesus said that when we do,
We are giving to him too.

Song: In the bleak mid-winter (Children return to their seats and the offering is taken.) the last verse can also be used as the offering prayer.

Elsa: you know, we do have a gift. Ever since we were little I've been able to make it snow. I've been frightened of this gift, and it hurt you. That's why I didn't like to come out of my room. We all have gifts, and we can use them for good. Perhaps baby Jesus would like a little snow. Not enough to be too cold, but perhaps just enough for a snowman.

Children invited to decorate the church with snowflakes made earlier.

Song: Let it go from Frozen. (Film clip)

Closing prayer.

Living Christ,
Be our light and our joy this Christmas,
Kindle the fire of your love within us,
Thaw our frostiness,
Send us out like sparks,
To bring the warmth of joy and hope,
To all who we meet.

And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.... Amen

Little reindeer, little reindeer
On the snowy road
Got to keep on plodding onwards
With your precious load.

Been a long time, little reindeer
Through the winter’s night
Don’t give up now, little reindeer,
Bethlehem’s in sight.

Ring out those bells tonight
Bethlehem, Bethlehem
Follow that star tonight
Bethlehem, Bethlehem.

Do not falter, little reindeer
There’s a star ahead
It will guide you, little don
To a cattle shed.

Ring out those bells tonight
Bethlehem, Bethlehem
Follow that star tonight
Bethlehem, Bethlehem

Little reindeer, little reindeer
On the snowy road
Got to keep on plodding onwards
With your precious load.

Palm Sunday 2020

This Palm Sunday, no crowds will line the streets waving branches. The cries of “Hosanna!” are silenced. Yet, when Christ’s disciples...