Thursday, 18 September 2014

Lessons from Scotland

Whilst it looks like Scotland has voted no for independence, the campaign has highlighted certain issues. Despite the outcome, these remain for all of us,

  • Resist policies that punish the poorest and most vulnerable. It is a travesty that in a relatively rich country people are queueing at food banks.
  • Get rid of trident. The Scots don't want it at Faslane. No -one else wants it either. The money spent on renewing trident could be better spent on health and education.
  • More local and regional democracy. Decisions need to be made closer to where people live. As well as more devolved powers to The Welsh and Scottish parliaments, the English regions should be given much more autonomy. (Not an English parliament, as this would just give more power to the Westminster elite)
  • Votes for 16 and17 year olds. These young people engaged wonderfully with this campaign, having their first chance to vote in this referendum. They are often actively engaged in their communities, and need to be given a voice in all elections.
  • Protect our NHS. The changes taking place in the health service are deeply worrying to all of us.

The yes campaign highlighted these issues. Perhaps many are feeling disappointed. When the dust settles, remember how good you were. You got them worried. You made them take notice. There is a general election in May. There needs to be a mass campaign across all our Nations. Scotland, lead the way!

Palm Sunday 2020

This Palm Sunday, no crowds will line the streets waving branches. The cries of “Hosanna!” are silenced. Yet, when Christ’s disciples...